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Rust Server Rules

1. Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) Bans & Game Bans

  • No VAC or Game bans that are less than 180 days old. No exceptions.
    • Use of an alternate account to bypass this rule will result in a permanent ban.
  • Groups caught harboring cheaters or ban evaders may be banned on a case by case basis.
  • Players with a history of cheating may be banned at our sole discretion, regardless of the age of their ban.

2. Cheating, Exploiting, & Griefing

  • Cheating or using any software to gain an unfair advantage is not allowed.
  • Automated vending machine trade scripts are not allowed.
  • Intentionally trying to degrade server performance will result in a permanent ban with no chance of appeal.
  • Purposely abusing bugs and/or exploits may result in a ban
  • Baiting reports may result in a mute or ban at our discretion. This includes playing on new/botted accounts and having names related to account resellers.

3. Behavior

  • Rusty Moose does not tolerate any form of racism on our servers. Do not type it, draw it, or say in in voice chat.
    • While we do not have the means to censor all forms of bigotry, please remember you can mute any player by clicking their name in chat.
  • Advertising your servers or business is not allowed.
  • Real money trading (RMT) or selling in-game items and bases is not allowed.
  • We have a zero-tolerance for doxing or sharing information of other players, assuming it is not displayed on any public profiles.
    • This includes but is not limited to information such as their name, age, location, phone number, family members, or employer.
  • Feel free to shit talk or banter with other players but keep it related to the game.

4. Group & Team Limits

  • Mini has a team limit of 5. Report players via F7 if you think someone is violating this rule.
    • If you wish to replace a teammate mid-wipe you may do so once per wipe. The player being removed cannot play for the remainder of the wipe.
  • The rest of our servers have no group limit.

5. Walling Off & Gatekeeping Monuments

  • Do not restrict access to monuments (including excavator and water wells) by using walls or turrets. The walls and turrets will be removed without compensation.
    • Stone quarry, sulfur quarry, HQM quarry, caves, elevator shafts and zip lines are an exception to this rule.

6. Item Compensation & Building Mistakes

  • We do not compensate for items lost due to bugs, server crashes, or cheaters.
  • We do not fix any mistakes made while building, including locking yourself out of your bunker.

7. VPN

  • While most VPNs are allowed, joining on a suspicious account using a VPN may result in a ban requiring you to appeal. We encourage against the use of a VPN for various reasons.

8. Stream sniping

  • We do not guarantee protection for streamers while playing on our servers.
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